
Welcome page for visitors


Video explaining the project


CARBO utilities explained


Pland for the next months


Frequently Asked Questions

Total Supply


Current Supply


Tokens Burned


Total Holders


Digital Response

To World Pollution

As seen on:

What do we do?

CleanCarbon project


Waste-to-Energy systems

We use Ultra High-Temperature Gasification (UHTG), the next-generation waste utilization process, to produce energy in the form of syngas.

Syngas applications
CleanCarbon Pilot Project

In this section, we will document the Pilot Project construction


Why CARBO is unique?

CARBO token directly connects with the CleanCarbon solutions company and its physical Waste-to-Energy installations. A significant part of the generated profits will be used to buy back CARBO tokens.

CARBO platform

Our innovative platform offers many CARBO token functions gathered in one place for users' convenience. This includes staking, airdrops, contests, CARBO buybacks and burning events, DAO, and AMAs.

Strong Tokenomics

CARBO tokenomics are designed to keep the project sustainable and grow the token price. This includes regular buybacks and burning events, plus future buybacks from profits of installations.

Physical utilities

CARBO token has many physical utilities built into the project's economy. It is used as a payment method with our contractors, rewards for users' green activities, and much more in the future.


Our proprietary network activity scoring and incentives system is designed to create user engagement and offer rewards for support. This technology will soon be open to our partners.


Our DAO platform ensures everyone will have their vote in deciding the company's future. Furthermore, we want to keep our community engages through frequent contests and airdrops.


CARBO token directly connects with the CleanCarbon solutions company and its physical Waste-to-Energy installations. A significant part of the generated profits will be used to buy back CARBO tokens.

CARBO platform

Our innovative platform offers many CARBO token functions gathered in one place for users' convenience. This includes staking, airdrops, contests, CARBO buybacks and burning events, DAO, and AMAs.

Strong Tokenomics

CARBO tokenomics are designed to keep the project sustainable and grow the token price. This includes regular buybacks and burning events, plus future buybacks from profits of installations.

Physical utilities

CARBO token has many physical utilities built into the project's economy. It is used as a payment method with our contractors, rewards for users' green activities, and much more in the future.


Our proprietary network activity scoring and incentives system is designed to create user engagement and offer rewards for support. This technology will soon be open to our partners.


Our DAO platform ensures everyone will have their vote in deciding the company's future. Furthermore, we want to keep our community engages through frequent contests and airdrops.

New CARBO Platform

The details will be unblurred after we launch the platform


CARBO token
Q1 '23
New Website
Updated and refreshed website with the new roadmap for 2023 and beyond
Q1 '23
New Whitepaper
The new CleanCarbon Whitepaper containing all changes and improvements
Q1 '23
Smart Contract v2
Completion of the new version of the CARBO Smart Contract fixing all current issues
Q1 '23
Smart Contract Audit
Audit of the Smart Contract by a reputable international blockchain company
Q2 '23
Carbo Score
Completion of the Carbo Score - our blockchain scoring and incentives system
Q2 '23
Launch on PancakeSwap
Official migration to the new Smart Contract and airdrops to all CARBO holders
Q2 '23
CARBO platform
The official launch of our CARBO platform with staking, contests, AMAs, and more
Q3 '23
Launch of DAO
The launch of our Governance platform connected with Carbo Score
Q3 '23
Launch on 1st CEX
Launch of CARBO token on the 1st CEX (at least top 10 exchange)
Q4 '23
CARBO Mobile app
Official launch of CARBO mobile app connected with CARBO platform
UHTG Installations
Q1 '23
VC Funds Secured
The contract to fully finance the Pilot Project has been signed with the VC investor
Q2 '23
Land Purchase
The land for our Pilot Project installation in Fuerteventura has been purchased
Q2 '23
Construction License
The Pilot Project has obtained the official construction license from Cabildo
Q2 '23
Installation Ordered
The Pilot Project installation has been ordered from the producer and fully paid for
Q3 '23
Construction Started
The installation parts arrived, and the Pilot Project construction started.
Q4 '23
First Tests
We have started performing the Pilot Project installation's first operational tests.
Q1 '24
Pilot Project Completed
The first UHTG installation in Fuerteventura is fully operational
Q1 '24
UHTG Buybacks
The official start of the buyback program from the Pilot Project profits
Q2 '24
Franchising Blueprint
Detailed plans for future expansions of the project with franchising capabilities
Q2 '24
1st Expansion Plans
Finalized legal framework and local government approvals for the 1st expansion